Rebar rolling mill includes short-stress-path rolling mill, pre-stressing path rolling mill, Morgan close-top housing rolling mill, half-close-top housing rolling mill etc. Main rebar production lines are continuous H/V rolling mill line, full-H continuous rolling mill line, semi-continuous rolling mill line, open-train rolling mill line and so on.
General raw material for hot rolling mill: 100X100mm-160X160mm square billet, length:3000-120000mm. Bar mill specification: Φ250, Φ300, Φ350, Φ400, Φ450, Φ500, Φ550, Φ600, Φ700. Roll body length: 500/600/700/800/1000mm. Product standard: φ8.0~φ40 mm. Annual production: 50,000TPA to 1,000,000TPA